Here’s how scammers can use data breaches to target you

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### How Scammers Exploit Data Breaches and How to Protect Yourself

In today’s digital age, data breaches have become increasingly common, and the repercussions can be severe for individuals whose personal information is compromised. Cyber criminals use these breaches to launch targeted scams, adding a new layer of threat to our online activities. Here’s a closer look at how scammers exploit breached data and what you can do to protect yourself.

#### Recent Examples of Data Breaches

Recent incidents like the Ticketmaster data breach shed light on the sophisticated techniques used by cyber criminals. Scammers have leveraged the stolen data to send threatening emails to victims, often claiming to possess compromising information. These emails demand payment in Bitcoin to ensure this ‘compromising information’ is deleted. Such tactics sow fear and urgency, pressuring individuals to comply with their demands.

#### The Two Types of Cyber Criminals

The world of cyber crime is complex, with various actors playing different roles. Broadly, there are two types of cyber criminals involved in exploiting data breaches:

1. **Masterminds:** These are highly resourced individuals or groups who execute the initial data breach. They infiltrate databases, steal massive amounts of data, and then sell it on dark web marketplaces.

2. **Smaller Scammers:** These are usually financially motivated criminals who purchase the stolen data from masterminds. They use this data to craft personalized scams, intending to defraud unsuspecting victims.

#### Tactics Used by Scammers

Cyber criminals employ an array of manipulative strategies to exploit their victims:

– **Impersonation:** They often pose as trusted contacts to gain your confidence.
– **Spoofing:** By making their messages appear legitimate, they deceive victims into revealing more personal information or complying with their demands.
– **Threats:** Scammers may threaten to release “compromising” information unless they are paid, typically in untraceable cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

#### Proactive Measures for Protection

The key to staying safe from these scams lies in vigilance and proactive measures. Here’s what you can do:

1. **Change Passwords Regularly:** Make it a habit to update your passwords frequently and ensure you use different passwords across various accounts.

2. **Keep Software Updated:** Enable automatic updates for your software to protect against vulnerabilities that cyber criminals exploit.

3. **Cover Camera Lenses:** A simple yet effective measure is to cover your device’s camera lenses when not in use, preventing unauthorized access.

4. **Beware of Social Engineering:** Scammers often use psychological manipulation to trick victims. Stay alert for unusual requests or threatening messages.

5. **Report Scams:** Reporting suspicious activities can help authorities take action. In Australia, you can report scams to the National Anti-Scam Centre’s Scamwatch website or the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s online reporting portal. For issues like identity theft, IDCARE offers valuable assistance.

#### Staying Vigilant

In conclusion, the rising number of data breaches means it is more crucial than ever to safeguard our personal information. By understanding the tactics used by scammers and adopting proactive measures, we can mitigate the risks and protect ourselves from falling victim to cyber crimes. Always stay informed and vigilant—prevention is the best defense against these evolving threats.

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