Scam alert: Fake business invoice scams

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## Warning: Protect Yourself from Fake Business Invoice Scams

With the rising sophistication of digital scams, it’s crucial to stay vigilant. One emerging threat is the fake business invoice scam targeting Australians. Scammers cleverly disguise themselves as legitimate businesses you may have previously interacted with, sending you fake invoices with altered payment details. These scams can be incredibly convincing, making it essential to know how to protect yourself. Here’s what you need to know.

### Recognizing Fake Invoices

Scammers go to great lengths to make their fake invoices appear genuine. They often counterfeit business logos and Australian Business Numbers (ABNs) to mimic the real thing. This meticulous attention to detail makes these fraudulent invoices difficult to differentiate from legitimate ones. However, a critical tell-tale sign is the discrepancy in payment details.

### Spotting Altered Payment Details

Pay close attention to the payment or banking details on any invoice you receive via email. Scammers typically alter the BSB and account numbers or provide different banking information altogether. This slight change often goes unnoticed until it’s too late and the money has already been transferred to the scammer’s account instead of the intended recipient.

### Understand Scammer Tactics

Scammers often gain unauthorized access to business email systems or create email addresses that closely resemble those of legitimate businesses. They then send out fake invoices, convincingly explaining any changes in payment details if you inquire. Once you proceed with the payment, your money is directed to their account instead of the real business.

### Prevention Tips

To avoid falling victim to these scams, follow these crucial steps:

1. **Direct Verification**: Always verify payment details directly with the business before making any payments based on an emailed invoice. Use contact information obtained independently, not from the email in question.

2. **Don’t Rush**: Take your time to verify the authenticity of the email and the corresponding invoice. Scammers often create a sense of urgency to prompt hasty actions.

3. **Trust Your Instincts**: If something feels off, take immediate action. Verify the details with the business and report any suspicious activity to Scamwatch promptly to help mitigate any potential losses.

### Real-Life Impact

These scams can affect any type of business and result in substantial financial losses. For instance, there’s a reported case of a couple losing over $800,000 to a scammer who posed as their solicitor during a property purchase. Such significant losses underscore the importance of staying vigilant and following the recommended prevention guidelines.

### Stay Protected

In an age where digital communication and transactions are the norm, it’s more important than ever to be cautious and double-check details before making payments. By applying these preventive measures and staying alert, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to fake invoice scams.

Be proactive and protect yourself and your business from fraudulent activities. If you ever encounter or fall victim to such a scam, don’t hesitate to report it to Scamwatch immediately. Your vigilance can make a difference.

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