Bendigo Bank impersonation scam

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# **How to Identify and Protect Yourself from Scams: Essential Guidelines**

In today’s digital age, the threat of scams is a pressing concern. Scammers employ various tactics to deceive unsuspecting individuals, often pretending to be reputable institutions. Knowing how to recognize and protect yourself from these threats is crucial. Here are some essential points to help you stay safe.

## **Scam Alerts You Need to Be Aware Of**

Understanding the different types of scams is the first step in protecting yourself. Below are some common scams and how they operate:

### **1. Phishing Emails**
Scammers often send emails that seem to be from legitimate sources, such as your bank. These emails may ask you to open attachments or click on links to view important information. **Do not click on these links**; always verify the email’s authenticity first.

### **2. SMS Phishing**
Also known as “smishing,” this scam involves receiving text messages that appear to be from your bank. These messages typically prompt you to click on a link to log into your e-banking account. **Avoid clicking on these links**.

### **3. Tax Scams**
Some scammers pretend to be from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and contact you via phone, email, SMS, or social media. They may ask for personal information or bank details. **Be wary of any unsolicited communication claiming to be from the ATO**.

### **4. Bank Impersonation Scams**
In this scam, you may receive calls or SMS messages from people claiming to be from your bank’s Fraud Team. They may inform you that your account has been compromised. **Always verify the contact details before responding**.

## **How to Spot a Scam**

Identifying a scam can be challenging, but there are some tell-tale signs:

### **Poor Grammar and Spelling**
One giveaway is poor grammar and spelling mistakes in the message. Reputable companies usually send well-written communications.

### **Urgent Calls to Action**
Scammers often create a sense of urgency or use threats to induce panic. Be cautious when encountering such messages.

### **Mismatched Email Senders**
Check the sender’s email address. Scammers often use addresses that appear to be legitimate but contain slight alterations.

## **Steps to Protect Yourself**

Taking proactive measures can help you safeguard your information:

### **1. Stop**
If you are suspicious, don’t divulge personal information or money.

### **2. Think**
Consider if the communication could be a scam. Reflect on whether the request makes sense.

### **3. Protect**
If something doesn’t feel right, take immediate action to protect your accounts and personal information.

## **Reporting Scams**

Knowing where to report scams is vital:

### **Forward Suspicious Emails**
Send any suspicious emails to

### **Forward Suspicious SMS**
Forward suspicious text messages to 0429 557 997.

### **Contact Your Bank**
If you’ve entered your e-banking details after interacting with a suspicious link, immediately call 1300 236 344.

## **Additional Tips for Enhanced Security**

Here are some extra precautions you can take:

### **1. Verify Contact Details**
Always cross-check any contact information with the official details provided on your bank’s website.

### **2. Use Multi-Factor Authentication**
Adding an extra layer of security through multi-factor authentication can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

### **3. Secure Online Shopping**
When shopping online, use services such as Mastercard Identity Check, Visa Secure, and eftpos Secure.

### **4. Stay Informed**
Regularly visit your bank’s security page to keep up to date with the latest advice and information on protecting yourself from fraud and scams.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of falling victim to scams and ensure your personal and financial information remains secure.

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