Renewal Business Name

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### Alert: Scammers Imitating Government Emails to Defraud Consumers

As an authorized government body, we are committed to safeguarding your personal and financial information. We would like to bring to your attention an ongoing scam that has been targeting registry customers via fraudulent emails. These emails are cleverly disguised to appear as though they are from our official sources, tricking individuals into providing sensitive information and making unnecessary payments.

#### How the Scam Operates

Scammers have been utilizing look-alike domains to send emails that appear to be from our official sources, requesting customers to pay fees and provide personal information for business or company name renewals. These emails may contain links that request your usernames and passwords, posing significant security risks such as malware infections if clicked.

#### Identifying Scam Emails

Here are some warning signs that an email claiming to be from our official sources may be fraudulent:

1. **Payment Requests**: Be cautious if asked for payments over the phone or to receive a refund.
2. **Personal Details**: Scammers may request your credit card or bank details directly via email or phone.
3. **Different Fees**: Verify the fees. Scammers often ask for fees that differ from the official amounts listed on our website.
4. **Outside Timeframes**: Be alert to emails sent outside our usual renewal notice timeframe, typically 30 days before the renewal date.

#### Official Email Communication

Our notifications will always come from the email address This is your assurance that the email is legitimate.

#### What To Do If You Receive a Suspicious Email

If you suspect that you have received a scam email, it is crucial that you forward the entire email for review. Additionally, if you believe you have been scammed:

1. Do not send more money.
2. Report the incident to your bank or financial institution immediately.
3. Be wary of secondary scams promising to recover your losses.

#### Support Resources

In case you’ve been affected by such scams, several support resources are available:

– **IDCARE**: Provides specialized identity theft and cyber support.
– **Lifeline**: Offers crisis support and suicide prevention services.
– **Beyond Blue**: Provides support for anxiety, depression, and suicide prevention.

We take the security and privacy of our customers very seriously. By staying informed and vigilant, you can protect yourself from falling victim to these fraudulent activities.

Stay safe and alert!

You can safely renew your business name with Registration Pty Ltd, an ASIC Registered Agent at their website

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