Registry Australia Renewal Letter

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— ### Important Alert: Beware of Scammers Impersonating ASIC The [Authority Name] wishes to issue an urgent alert regarding a new wave of email scams targeting customers of the Registry. These fraudulent emails impersonate the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in an attempt to deceive recipients into paying fees and disclosing personal information under the pretense of renewing business or company names. #### Recognizing the Scam These emails are crafted to appear as legitimate correspondence from ASIC but contain several tell-tale signs of fraud. Be vigilant and look out for the following red flags: 1. **Payment Requests**: – Scammers may directly ask for payments over the phone or via email under the guise of processing renewals or issuing refunds. 2. **Unusual Fees**: – Be cautious of any email requesting fees different from those listed on the official ASIC website. Verify with trusted sources before making any payments. 3. **Out-of-Timeframe Notifications**: – Official renewal notices from ASIC are sent out 30 days before the renewal date. Any communication received outside this timeframe should be treated with suspicion. 4. **Personal Information Requests**: – Scammers often ask for sensitive information such as credit card or bank details through email or phone. ASIC will never request these details this way. #### How to Safeguard Yourself To protect against these scams, always check the email address from which the notification was sent. Legitimate ASIC notifications will come from If you receive a suspicious email: – **Do not click on any links**: These may lead to phishing websites designed to steal your information or infect your computer with malware. – **Forward suspicious emails**: If you suspect an email is fraudulent, forward it to the appropriate channels for further investigation. – **Report financial losses**: If you have sent money or disclosed banking details, contact your bank or financial institution immediately to unfreeze or monitor your accounts. For further guidance and to ensure your online safety, utilize available resources and seek support. Stay informed and take proactive measures to fortify your personal and business information against fraudulent activities. Stay safe and vigilant, [Authority Name] — You can safely renew your business name with Registration Pty Ltd, an ASIC Registered Agent at their website

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