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### Alert: Beware of Scammers Impersonating ASIC

As part of our continuous effort to protect and inform consumers, we want to alert you to a current scam involving individuals pretending to represent the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). These scammers are specifically targeting registry customers through deceptive emails.

These fraudulent communications are particularly concerning because they are using look-alike domains to convincingly impersonate ASIC. Their objective is to trick you into paying bogus fees and providing personal information under the pretense of renewing your business or company name.

### Recognising Scam Emails

To protect yourself from these scams, it’s essential to be aware of the red flags:

1. **Unsolicited Payment Requests**: Genuine ASIC communications will never ask for payments over the phone or offer refunds in uninitiated messages.
2. **Requests for Personal Information**: Be highly suspicious of any email or phone call asking for your credit card or bank details directly. ASIC will not request such information in this manner.
3. **Different Fees**: Always cross-check the fees mentioned in the email against those listed on the official ASIC website. Scammers often quote incorrect amounts to lend an air of urgency or confusion.
4. **Unusual Renewal Notice Timeframes**: Legitimate ASIC renewal notices are issued 30 days before your renewal date. Emails that claim otherwise are likely fraudulent.

### Official ASIC Communication Channels

Official notifications from ASIC will come from the email address Be sure to verify the sender’s email address before taking any action.

### What To Do If You Suspect a Scam

If you suspect that you have received a scam email, it is crucial not to engage with the content or click any links within the email. Instead, forward the entire email to our fraud monitoring address for further investigation.

### Steps If You’ve Been Targeted:

1. **Do Not Send More Money**: If you have already been scammed, do not send any additional funds. Scammers often use urgency to extract more money from their victims.
2. **Notify Your Financial Institution**: Report the incident to your bank or financial institution immediately. They can assist in monitoring your accounts for any unusual activity.
3. **Be Wary of Follow-Up Scams**: Scammers may try to contact you again with promises of recovering lost funds. Approach these claims with caution and skepticism.

Your security is our priority, and we are committed to keeping you informed about potential threats. Stay vigilant, and together we can combat these fraudulent activities effectively.

You can safely renew your business name with Registration Pty Ltd, an ASIC Registered Agent at their website

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