Scammers pretending to be ASIC approaching Registry customers

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### Alert: Beware of Scam Emails Posing as ASIC

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is cautioning the public about a recent scam in which fraudsters are impersonating ASIC via email to deceive Registry customers. These scammers employ look-alike domains and sophisticated techniques to make their communication appear legitimate, tricking unsuspecting individuals into paying bogus fees and disclosing personal information.

#### Key Details of the Scam

1. **Scam Emails**:
– Scammers send emails that seem to be from ASIC, requesting payment for business or company name renewals.
– These emails often include links soliciting ASIC user names and passwords, which may infect your computer with malware upon being clicked.

2. **Identifying Scam Emails**:
– Be wary if the email asks for payment over the phone or to receive a refund.
– Scammers might ask for credit card or bank details directly via email or phone.
– The fees requested might differ from those listed on the official ASIC website.
– Legitimate ASIC renewal notices are sent only 30 days before the renewal date; emails received outside this timeframe are suspicious.

3. **Verifying Authentic ASIC Emails**:
– Ensure the email address is
– Legitimate ASIC notifications are only sent through email, never by phone.

#### Steps to Take If You Suspect a Scam

1. **Immediate Actions**:
– Cease any further financial transactions with the suspicious party.
– Notify your bank or financial institution about the potential fraud.

2. **Reporting the Incident**:
– Forward the suspicious email to ASIC for verification.

3. **Staying Safe**:
– Avoid falling victim to secondary scams that promise to recover your losses for an additional fee.

#### Additional Support and Resources

– **IDCARE**: Specialist support for scam-related issues is available from IDCARE.
– **Financial Assistance**: If the scam has led to financial difficulties, speaking with a financial counsellor can provide necessary guidance.
– **Emotional Support**: For those needing emotional assistance, resources like Lifeline and Beyond Blue offer essential support services.

ASIC urges consumers to remain vigilant and cautious of fraudulent emails posing as official correspondence. By following these guidelines, you can protect yourself and ensure that your actions and information remain secure.

You can safely renew your business name with Registration Pty Ltd, an ASIC Registered Agent at their website

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