Business Name Renewal Registry Australia

scam alert watch is this scammer scammed

**Alert: Beware of Scammers Posing as ASIC**

As an authorized government body, it is our priority to ensure the safety and security of our community. Recently, there has been an increasing threat where scammers are impersonating the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). They are reaching out to Registry customers via email, deceiving them into paying fees and disclosing personal information under the guise of renewing their business or company name.

These fraudulent emails are malicious in nature, often containing links that request ASIC user names and passwords, which may infect computers with malware if clicked. It is crucial to recognize and avoid these scams to protect yourself and your business.

Here are several warning signs to help identify if an email is not genuinely from ASIC:

1. **Payment Requests**: Be cautious of any emails or phone calls asking for immediate payment or suggesting you are due a refund.
2. **Personal Information**: ASIC will never ask for your credit card or bank details directly via email or phone. Any such requests should be considered suspicious.
3. **Different Fees**: Scammers may ask for fees that do not align with those listed on ASIC’s official website.
4. **Outside Timeframes**: ASIC renewals are scheduled and notices are sent 30 days prior to due dates. Be wary of any communication that falls outside this standard timeframe.
5. **Fake Email Addresses**: Verify the sender’s email address carefully. Scammers use deceptive addresses that closely mimic ASIC’s official email, such as

If you receive a suspicious email, it is crucial to handle it with caution:
– **Do Not Click**: Avoid clicking on any links within the suspicious email.
– **Do Not Send Money**: If you believe you might be involved in a scam, cease all financial transactions immediately.

Your awareness and vigilance are key in preventing these scams. Stay informed and protect your personal and financial information. For those needing additional support, there are resources available to assist you in these situations.

Remain alert, stay safe, and verify all communications to ensure they are from legitimate sources.

You can safely renew your business name with Registration Pty Ltd, an ASIC Registered Agent at their website

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